Instagramable Lounge in Surabaya
Instagramable Lounge in Surabaya – Surabaya is one of the cities with various types of food that are quite unique and varied, besides that the city of Surbaya also serves interesting places. Surabaya is indeed a storehouse of delicious food and drinks. Some places to eat also provide a comfortable and aesthetic place, just right for hanging out with friends. Like these 5 modern cafes in Surabaya, they have a comfortable place as well as delicious treats! Come on, see the reviews of hit cafes in Surabaya below. Don’t forget, dress up pretty and handsome, and wear your best clothes so you can take pictures as well as beautiful coffee! 1. Kongah Coffee Not everyone can work in a crowded and crowded place. So, don’t be surprised if you look for a cafe that is comfortable and friendly for workers and students who need quiet space. In Surabaya, you can come to Kongah Coffee which is famous for its warm atmosphere and has delicious coffee drinks. For those of you who like bitter coffee, you w